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№ 6/2014

№ 6/2014

Fìnansi Ukr. 2014 (6): 19–29



1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Research ID :
OrcID ID :

Some aspects of innovative enterprises fiscal stimulus in Ukraine

The article aims to study ways of providing qualitative changes in mechanism offiscal adjustment of innovation activity in Ukraine. Recommendations for the use of a selective approach to decisions-making process in the fiscal field concerning recruitment and the use of investment resources for innovation and its introduction into production have been suggested. The state and the major government policy measures on regulation of innovation activity in Ukraine have been analyzed. The experience of fiscal stimulus of innovation processes in the leading countries has been investigated. It was noted that the mechanism of public financial support to implementation of innovative capacity and maintaining research activity is widely used in those countries. Particular attention is paid to activity of the leading higher educational institutions of Ukraine in the sphere of innovations. It is proposed to use innovative investment tax credit for companies with innovative features and specification in output. The recommendations for the selective approach to fiscal adjustment instruments of innovation activity in Ukraine have been suggested, namely the tax levers (innovation investment tax credit, differentiation of rates and tax base) — for the companies with innovative features and specification in output; budgetary instruments (development expenditures on science, education, concessional lending on priority innovation projects) — for small and mediumsized businesses, operating in the structure of universities on the basis ofpublic-private partnerships

Keywords: fiscal adjustment, innovative activity, innovations.

JEL: Q10, Q30, Q31

Zatonatska T. . Some aspects of innovative enterprises fiscal stimulus in Ukraine / T. . Zatonatska // Фінанси України. - 2014. - № 6. - C. 19-29.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 19 - 29) DownloadDownloads :153