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№ 8/2014

№ 8/2014

Fìnansi Ukr. 2014 (8): 85–96



1SHEE “Banking University”

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the financial security diagnostics of private pension funds in Ukraine

A critical analysis of methodological approaches to the financial security diagnosis of private pension funds (PPF) in Ukraine is carried out. It is shown that such approaches can be applied by a narrow circle of specialists, as it is used a significant amount of performance data using not only the financial statements of PPF, but also special reporting on non-state pension provision, which is disclosed on a voluntary basis, usually only partially, so using such techniques by other interested parties, such as potential participants who decide which fund to join, is quite difficult. It is proved the need to distinguish four groups of indicators including: yield and profitability (the ratio of income and expenditures, the level of nominal income, real income); the riskiness of the investment; solvency and liquidity; development of the fund. Suggested list includes the most informative indicators, evaluation of which allows to fully describe the state of the financial security of PPF. It is revealed that the evaluation of the financial security integral indicator is a contentious issue, as it is a multidimensional concept. The author emphasizes that using the proposed scientific and methodical approach to assessing the safety of private pension funds will be an additional tool for monitoring the status of financial interests ’protection of the fund participants.

Keywords: private pension fund, financial security, financial state, integral indicator, financial security indicators

JEL: H55, G22, G23

TSIKANOVSKA N. . Theoretical and methodological approaches to the financial security diagnostics of private pension funds in Ukraine / N. . TSIKANOVSKA // Фінанси України. - 2014. - № 8. - C. 85-96.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 85 - 96) DownloadDownloads :148