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№ 10/2014

№ 10/2014

Fìnansi Ukr. 2014 (10): 73–86



Innovation as a receptor of international financial capital under cyclic changes of economics

The development of modem global processes confirms the existence of cyclical fluctuations in the economy. Large corporations are very important in the twentieth century. Therefore the goal of the research paper is to conduct in-depth study of the impact of international financial capital to the cyclical development of the recipient countries. Cooperation of industrial and banking structures forms a new type of business entities that has great benefits and creates good conditions for support of innovation and investment potential. In the article the scientific views on cyclicity of economic processes and the role of innovation in them are examined. The basic phases of the cycle and the role of international financial capital are analyzed in the paper. The model of the industry modernization in the performance of the simulation strategy is proposed. The predictors of such technological traps as malthusian and modernization are identified in the paper. The main factors to prevent and eliminate traps are reasoned. The ways of innovation development in Ukraine through the prism of attraction and development of international financial capital are proposed.

Keywords: Malthusian trap, techno-economic paradigm, international finance capital, innovation, innovation’s diffusion.

JEL: E30, E32, Q30, Q31

TSYGANOV S. . Innovation as a receptor of international financial capital under cyclic changes of economics / S. TSYGANOV, N. PROTSUN // Фінанси України. - 2014. - № 10. - C. 73-86.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 73 - 86) DownloadDownloads :112