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№ 3/2015

№ 3/2015

Fìnansi Ukr. 2015 (3): 101–113



Human capital as the main asset of economic development of a company

This article is intended to contribute to overcoming the underestimation of the role of human capital in ensuring economic development. Analysis of thematic issues is made at the level of enterprise structures, where there is the greatest opportunity for innovative breakthrough and formation of competitive advantages. Herewith, it is noted that scientific and technological progress, which is the root cause of economic success, is driven only by the human intellectual and creative potential. That is why a possibility of receiving additional income due to the unique benefits, obtained as a result of using human assets, becomes an object of investigation. Determination of economic essence and components of this phenomenon makes it possible to personalize human capital as a heritage of an individual, which can be used as capital and generate a regular income for both an employee, who is its owner, and a company that uses it in its operation. With the purpose of demonstrating the specific nature of human capital as a factor of economic development, in the paper it is revealed its functional significance and it is defined its exceptional role in formation of added product. It is proved that human capital assets serve not only as necessary resources to implement innovations, but also as a key factor in development of a company and increasing its competitiveness. However, it is noted that contribution of human capital in results of a company performance depends on investments on its formation and development. Results obtained during the study may contribute to reorientation of managerial systems of national business to international standards of quality management, implementation of which will allow to increase significantly the rate of return on the usage of human capital.

Keywords: human capital, factor of economic development, investments in human capital, return on investments in human capital, human capital assets.

JEL: Е20, Е24, J20, J21.

PRYTULIAK N. . Human capital as the main asset of economic development of a company / N. . PRYTULIAK // Фінанси України. - 2015. - № 3. - C. 101-113.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 101 - 113) DownloadDownloads :114