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№ 6/2015

№ 6/2015

Fìnansi Ukr. 2015 (6): 72–82


PZVMOYQRFG naPKYMzuBtJ CNMfhvclkeFozR1, MATSUK Zoriana 2

2Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
OrcID ID :

Analytic evaluation of innovative activity of financial institutions in the financial services market

Today, more and more attention is paid to creating an enabling environment for the deployment of innovative processes. Implementation of financial innovation significantly affects the acceleration of modernization of institutions, improving competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the financial market. The article analyzes the innovation of financial institutions in the financial services market. To improve the methods of financial analysis, the authors has suggested the use of Scorecard: coefficient generating income from innovation, innovative capacity factor of a financial institution and integral coefficient of innovative activities of financial institutions. In order to determine the closeness of the connection between innovation performance of the financial institution and its future income, the method of correlation and regression analysis was used, whose main indicator was the correlation coefficient, which has demonstrated the closeness of the connection between income generation dynamic index and innovative activity coefficients and innovative capacity of financial institution. Using correlation and regression analysis the economic and mathematical model was formed, the influence of factor of innovation activity income from financial institution innovation was defined and increase of its reserve was proposed, in particular, provided that the rate of innovation activity of financial institutions will reach the optimum value (0,09527), the coefficient of income generation of financial institutions from innovative activity will increase by 27,50 %. The proposed model is one of the approaches that enables the possibility to build an effective innovation policy of financial institutions and represents a positive step towards improving the innovation process of the financial institutions in the financial services market.

Keywords: innovation, innovation potential, innovative activity, revenue generation, financial institution.

JEL: G20, O30, O31.

pZVmOYqrfG n. C. Analytic evaluation of innovative activity of financial institutions in the financial services market / n. C. pZVmOYqrfG, Z. . MATSUK // Фінанси України. - 2015. - № 6. - C. 72-82.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 72 - 82) DownloadDownloads :283