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№ 9/2015

№ 9/2015

Fìnansi Ukr. 2015 (9): 96–109



1Odesa National Economic University
OrcID ID :

Financial controlling and peculiarities of its application in bank cash flow management

The article is dedicated to improvement of scientific and methodical approaches and development of applied recommendations regarding enhancement of effectiveness of bank cash flow management on the basis of financial controlling. Having generalized scientific results, the author determines that the financial controlling of cash flows encompasses their planning, control, and analytical support and is referred to as an effective instrument of balancing criteria of efficiency, liquidity, and risks related to generation of cash flows. The article contains analysis of the main indicators influencing effectiveness of bank cash flow management. The author has concluded that from the standpoint of the system and process approach the financial controlling of bank cash flows should be considered as a set of organizational and structure (an object and an actor of the financial controlling) and functional (technology and methods of the financial controlling) sub-systems, which are associated on the basis of the process approach, that provide realization of planning, methodical, accounting and analytical, consulting, stimulating, and anti-crisis functions. These options of the financial controlling will conduce to support the liquidity and efficiency of a bank activity in a target market. The author has substantiated that achievement of goals, tasks and execution of the financial controlling functions is provided due to usage of appropriate methods and instruments, which are classified by area of application (information, planning, analysis, accounting, control, and monitoring) and by scale of management (strategic, tactic, and operative ones). In order to provide the financial controlling of bank cash flows at each level of management the author has formed a system of control (indicative) indices. Their conformity with the determined meanings is observed at the stage of development of strategic, tactic, and operative plans as well as at the stage of a bank activity according to technology.

Keywords: financial controlling, banks, cash flows, risks, efficiency, system and process approach to management.

JEL: G21, G32, M40, M41.

KOVALENKO V. . Financial controlling and peculiarities of its application in bank cash flow management / V. . KOVALENKO , n. C. pZVmOYqrfG // Фінанси України. - 2015. - № 9. - C. 96-109.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 96 - 109) DownloadDownloads :204
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