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№ 2/2016

№ 2/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (2): 83–98



1Odesa National Economic University
OrcID ID :

Diagnostics of a credit risk and its influence on the credit activeness of Ukrainian banks

The article is dedicated to development of scientific and methodical approaches and formulation of applied recommendations regarding the diagnostics of a credit risks and estimation of its influence on the credit activeness of Ukrainian banks. Having generalized results of scientific researches regarding the sense of a concept “diagnostics”, the authors have suggested a model of diagnostic supervision of a credit risk, which, ultimately, can be implemented through a system of risk management. The credit risk diagnostics is defined as the analysis and estimation of banking credit portfolio quality and, indication of positive and negative factors, which stipulate changes of a real level of the credit risk with consideration of its normative values. For the purpose of minimization of the credit risk influence on profitability of credit operations, the authors suggest to create a model of risk management on the basis of operative, tactical, and strategical levels of management. Potential risks of losses of credit activeness, which assume a system nature under conditions of expansion of the financial crisis, are inherent to the Ukrainian banks. Thus, the article substantiates that effectiveness of the system of diagnostics of the credit risk is first of all stipulated by approaches, which are used for estimation of a real level of the credit risk and a level of resource provision of banks.

Keywords:diagnostics, credit risk, credit activeness, management levels, banks.

JEL: E50, E51, E52

KOVALENKO V. . Diagnostics of a credit risk and its influence on the credit activeness of Ukrainian banks / V. . KOVALENKO , O. ZVERIAKOV, D. HAIDUKOVYCH // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 2. - C. 83-98.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 83 - 98) DownloadDownloads :227
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