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№ 2/2016

№ 2/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (2): 99–110


TSYGANOV Sergii , APALKOVA Viktoriia 1

1Kyiv University of Market Relations, Research ID :
OrcID ID :

Innovative infrastructure development of global market of payment services

The article examines the concept of the information economy in the context of its financial infrastructure and basic directions for further transformations of Western societies. For Ukraine, which only joined the Association Agreement with the EU, the identification of directions of aimed transformation is very relevant. Developed financial infrastructure of the country contributes to the development of the information society and digital economy. In banking and financial market there have been identified the new organizational forms and business models resulting from comprehensive informatization of public relations and economic socialization such as: virtual banks, fintech companies, international e-money systems, crowdfunding and crowdinvesting platforms, etc. The main drivers for transformation of financial environment towards maximum efficiency and formation of a thriving information economy were determined. It was proven that financial inclusion is a key driver of a future sustainable global society with fair and equitable access to resources, wealth, value exchange and affordable and relevant financial services. The challenge for the national economy is to establish effective regulatory environment, which on the one hand will provide security for users and subscribers and, on the other hand, will not affect the dynamic introduction of new applications in the financial sector. The development of digital applications and products for financial infrastructure is one the fastest growing industry and makes forecast that in the near future it will continue to attract many investments.

Keywords:global market of payment services, international e-money systems, innovative financial infrastructure, mobile banking, virtual bank.

JEL: F39, F42, F43, G15

TSYGANOV S. . Innovative infrastructure development of global market of payment services / S. TSYGANOV, V. Apalkova // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 2. - C. 99-110.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 99 - 110) DownloadDownloads :184
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