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№ 9/2016

№ 9/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (9): 98–0


FUKS Anotoliy , MALKO Kareryna

Forms of attracting foreign capital to the national economy

The article studies the forms of foreign investments in the national economy and shows reasons for further development based on current trends and international experience. The world practices show that without the involvement of foreign capital it is almost impossible to get out of the economic crisis. Further development of forms of foreign investment in the national economy of Ukraine requires urgent resolution of the political and economic crisis, sustained and balanced improvement in the foreign investment legislation, based on current trends and international experience. The intensification of attracting foreign investment in the domestic economy remains a matter of great actuality. The authors highlight the forms of attracting foreign capital into the economy of Ukraine in accordance with the applicable legislation. The article states that the main forms of attracting foreign investment in the Ukrainian economy are the creation of joint ventures with foreign capital and foreign-owned enterprises. The article shows the changes in the number of joint ventures in Ukraine. The authors put forward the proposals for further development of forms of foreign investment in Ukraine’s economy focusing on the shortcomings of the legislative framework: firstly, instability caused by too frequent alterations to legislation. Secondly, lack of complexity. That is to understand the meaning of some articles of the legislative instrument it is necessary to know in which regulatory and legal acts they are detailed. Besides a large number of legislative and other normative acts adopted by various public authorities make this search more complex. Thirdly, lack of strategic direction.

Keywords:foreign investment, types of foreign investment, forms of foreign investment, joint venture, enterprise with foreign investment, foreign enterprise.

JEL: F21, L24.

FUKS A. . Forms of attracting foreign capital to the national economy / A. . FUKS, K. Malko // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 9. - C. 98-0.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 98 - 110) DownloadDownloads :122
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