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№ 9/2016

№ 9/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (9): 111–


NEPRAN Andriy 1

1Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
OrcID ID :

Formation and use of financial capacity of investment in Ukraine

This article is devoted to solving problems that arise in financing investment in the real sector of the economy. The calculated indicators characterizing the formation and use of financial resources in the national economy, make it possible to identify the causes of the crisis in the investment field and on this basis to identify measures to remove them. In this paper the author attempts to theoretically revise certain provisions relating to the formation and use of financial resources for investment. The object of the research is the financial investment of non-financial corporations, household loans, foreign direct and portfolio investments, financial corporations deposits in securities and other factors that result in lowering state financial investment potential. The paper aims to determine the causes of deterioration of financial investment potential and its consequences, and identify the ways of removing them. The author gives a deep analysis of the current state of development and the financial capacity of the economy. The conclusion that the basis financial capacity - internal financial resources to non-financial corporations - is not fully used for investment. Most foreign direct and portfolio investments are mainly used to finance various financial assets, while the share of real investment is negligible. Due to the accelerated growth of consumer credits, only a small part of savings is directed to finance investment. The author proposes to limit investments of financial corporations in purchasing securities and to increase public financial resources directed to investments.

Keywords:financial potential, investment activity, profit, depreciation, loans to non-financial corporations, foreign investment, savings.

JEL: Е22, G32, G34.

NEPRAN A. . Formation and use of financial capacity of investment in Ukraine / A. . NEPRAN // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 9. - C. 111-.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 111 - 127) DownloadDownloads :139
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