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№ 10/2016

№ 10/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (10): 113–



Tax policy to stimulate human capital development

In unstable economy conditions it is necessary to develop new conceptual approaches to the directions and mechanisms for implementation of fiscal instruments to ensure effective socio-economic development in general and economic growth in particular. The article examines the process of shaping and employment of human capital as a key factor in modern economic deve­lopment. The author defines the place and role of the state tax policy in human capital formation. The article deals with the strategic directions of the state policy in the field of tax regulation and stimulation of human capital and the impact of taxes on human capital. The basic forms of tax policy towards stimulation of human capital development through taxation tools in the world are identified. The tax incentives system of the EU is considered from a practical position and possibilities of application of the EU best practice to improve and modernize the Ukrainian tax system. The author gives a detailed analysis of preferential taxation in economic and legal domains (seizure, discount, tax exemption), which makes it possible for human capital to effectively develop in the sphere of educational service in view of reduced state funding. But education is one of the fields which should be supported by the stale at the legislative level through mo­dernized taxation. The development of education and attraction of additional investments in the field depend on preferential tax regime. The study results can be used in the development and implementation of human capital development programs.

Keywords:human capital, tax policy, tax regulations, tax incentives, tax benefits.

JEL: H30, H31, J24.

NIKITISHYN . . Tax policy to stimulate human capital development / . . NIKITISHYN // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 10. - C. 113-.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 113 - 127) DownloadDownloads :168
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