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№ 12/2016

№ 12/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (12): 77–0


HOLIAN Vasyl 1, TRETIAK Natalia

1Lutsk National Technical University

Financing of restoration and protection of land resources: priorities and institutional preconditions

It is determined that the theoretical and methodological approaches as to the choice of methods and sources of financing measures aimed at restoration and protection of natural resources remain insufficiently formed, based on proprietary forms, land titles and categories of land-users. The author analyzes the dynamics of land sale revenues as well as changes in the structure of land rent revenue for the consolidated budget of Ukraine in the context of accumulation of the financial base of expanded restoration and protection of land and resource potential. It is determined that the selection and differentiation of priorities for funding measures on restoration and protection of land resources should be based on the sector of the land user’s affiliation: government or municipial administration, corporate, farm and private households. It is established that in the context of decentralization of power and local governance reform, the role of redistribution of municipal land assets is growing in order to build the financial base for socio-economic recovery of local communities and land reproduction in populated areas as well as outside them. It is also proved that a considerable increase in volumes and expansion of forms and sources of financial provision for restoration and protection of land resources can be achieved through the establishment of appropriate institutional preconditions, namely: overcoming asymmetry of information supply to different categories of land-owners and land-users; eliminating institutional restrictions on redistribution of land assets, primarily, rural lands; further institutionalization of land and mortgage relations; implementation of direct fiscal regulators as to the usage of all land categories.

Keywords:financing, land resources, institutional restrictions, land sale, fiscal regulators, land rent, land tax.

JEL: Q14, Q15, Q24, Q28.

Holian V. . Financing of restoration and protection of land resources: priorities and institutional preconditions / V. Holian, N. Tretiak // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 12. - C. 77-0.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 77 - 91) DownloadDownloads :119
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