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№ 12/2016

№ 12/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (12): 92–0



1SSI “Institute of Educatinal Analytics”
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Attracting financial resources under open economy of Ukraine

The article highlights the issues of attracting financial resources in an open economy. In the context of the research of attraction tools, a special attention is paid to the development of IPO global markets. This concept has many definitions but is most often used for such a type of securities as stocks. It is also important that IPO is resulted in creation of a new business value, which takes into account not only current assets of the company, its management quality and brand name, but also prospects for further development. In particular, US IPO market, along with the possibilities to attract funds in such markets for domestic companies, is analyzed. The author also notes that the financial market constantly breeds innovations, which, in fact, are the market’s response to customer needs in new types of financial services and products today. Most of the new products in the global market is a derivative or a hybrid financial instrument, whose main task, regardless of the specifics, is to reduce the investment or financial risk primarily through diversification. The largest consumers of financial innovations are banks, insurance companies and other institutional investors seeking to minimize their long-term and medium-term risks. The study also concludes that there is a need to set a legal framework for securitization of financial assets, in particular by providing the possibility of securities issues, ensuring the fulfillment of the issuer’s obligations for liquid financial assets, as well as the possibility of transferring the obligations of the issuer in the debt and equity securities. The author proposes directions of derivatives market formation, ways to improve the protection of the rights of corporate debt securities holders and areas for developing mortgage-backed securities.

Keywords:financial resources, financial instruments, IPO, securities, derivatives.

JEL: E44, G20, G28.

Tereshchenko H. . Attracting financial resources under open economy of Ukraine / H. . Tereshchenko // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 12. - C. 92-0.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 92 - 104) DownloadDownloads :345
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