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№ 1/2017

№ 1/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (1): 111–0



1Odessa National Economic University

Pragmatics and semantics of financial science terms “community finance”, “public finance” and “state finance”

Abstract. The dynamism and balanced socio-economic development of the country largely depends on the country's financial potential and management system of finance. The latter, in its turn, is based on defined theoretical, organizational, and legal provisions.Theoretical and organizational provisions of financial management at all levels of the country’s economic system are formed through scientific research in the field of admi­nistration and finance. The univocal interpretation of financial terms facilitates understanding the essence of financial processes and phenomena, which allows participants of the financial activities to apply the optimal set of methods and management tools. In this context, it is important to form semantic borders and pragmatic use of basic financial science terms, which include: community finance, public finance and government (state) finance. The study shows that the regulatory uncertainty of these terms and scientific controversy around their definitions leads to blurring semantic boundaries of such terms as well as to ignoring the pragmatics of their use. In order to solve this problem, the study of etymology of individual words and pragmatics of their use were conducted, a comparative analyses of economic relations that arise at different levels of the economic system was performed, and the definition of the terms “community finance”, “public finance”, “government (state) finance” was proposed. The selection of characteristic features of certain economic relations arising in society facilitates the definition of clear semantic boundaries of financial terms.It is proved that community finance covers all economic relations connected with the movement of a certain part of community financial resources. Public finance makes up part of these economic relations, which are of imperative character. At the macro level these relations should be considered as government (state) finance. The justified proposals to clarify semantic boundaries and pragmatic use of certain financial terms will improve theoretical foundations that, in our opinion, will have a positive impact on the management of state finance.

Keywords:financial science, community finances, public finances, government (state) finances, community financial resources, pragmatic use of terms, semantic boundaries of terms.

JEL: E60, E69, H10, H19, H40, H80.

Khomutenko А. . Pragmatics and semantics of financial science terms “community finance”, “public finance” and “state finance” / А. . Khomutenko // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 1. - C. 111-0.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 111 - 126) DownloadDownloads :402
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