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№ 3/2017

№ 3/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (3): 96–110


REDZIUK Yevhenii 1

1SI “Institute of the Economy and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
OrcID ID :

Foreign direct investment: opportunities for productive economic growth in Ukraine

Maximizing the benefits of FDI is a strategic goal, a requirement of modern international foreign economic policy of any country in the world that strives to grow systematically and be competitive. The article states that the most promising areas for the recipient country of FDI is investment in renewable energy, manufacturing, general communication and service centers, technological and innovation centers, as well as in tourism. It is emphasized that to attract FDI Eastern European countries provided measures for prevention of its outflow from the recipient country and created an effective system of incentives. In general, there is a tendency in the world to reduce the number of foreign investors' claims concerning the violation of their rights. In most countries, an effective system of dispute and conflict resolution in pre-trial mode has already been formed. In addition, inter-state competition in the ratings on the openness of the economy to foreign investors and effectiveness of attracting FDI is intensified. It is established that the degree of integration of subsidiaries into parent companies (shares, strategic management, technology, export-import flows, etc.), determines their productivity, and between the growth of the latter and the share of foreign capital in the economy there is a generally positive and statistically significant relationship. Based on this, 12 basic principles of an effective policy of attracting FDI into the domestic economy are developed.

Keywords:foreign direct investment, foreign investment, promotion of foreign direct investment, the reform of the public authorities.

JEL: E20, E21, O12.

REDZIUK Y. . Foreign direct investment: opportunities for productive economic growth in Ukraine / Y. . REDZIUK // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 3. - C. 96-110.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 96 - 110) DownloadDownloads :250
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