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№ 4/2017

№ 4/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (4): 104–120


DERUN Ivan 1, SKLIARUK Iryna 2

1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Analytical framework for mergers and acquisitions of industrial companies in Ukraine

The paper deals with M&A features of industrial companies. The study determines theoretical approaches of M&A operations of domestic and foreign scientists. The main factors, motives and types of M&A process are generalized. The authors show the statistics on the number of M&A worldwide and in Ukraine. Methodical approaches of comprehensive M&A analysis are offered. The authors propose the model for the assessment of the need for M&A and effectiveness of their implementation for Ukrainian industrial companies. The proposed model includes the following stages: assessment of the target company financial condition based on public financial reports; analysis of the company goals based on internal data; analysis of M&A effectiveness based on synergy estimates. The authors identify key indicators of M&A financial analysis, in particular: ratios of financial position (liquidity and solvency, financial sustainability, profitability, business activity, etc.) and indicators of analysis of internal accounting information and analytical support (break-even point, weighted average cost of capital (WACC), the effect of financial leverage, etc.). The study examines possibilities of creating the company’s value as a result of mergers and acquisitions due to the synergy effect. The essence of synergy concept and its characteristics are considered; the potential sources of synergy with mergers and acquisitions are systematized. The article highlights the main benefits of synergy, general parameters of impact on its assessment and expected value and elements of the M&A strategy from the perspective of planning and considering the strategic plan of the company.

Keywords:merger and acquisition (M&A), financial analysis, costs of capital, the market value of the company, synergy, effect of synergy, sources of synergy.

JEL: G32, G34, M21.

Derun I. . Analytical framework for mergers and acquisitions of industrial companies in Ukraine / I. Derun, I. Skliaruk // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 4. - C. 104-120.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 104 - 120) DownloadDownloads :273
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