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№ 5/2017

№ 5/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (5): 110–124


MАТУЗКА Yaroslav 1, HORBATIUK Viktoriia

1PJSC CB “PrivatBank”

Institutional-evolutionary content for the formation of the “new” quality of budgetary institutions

The article explores the institutional and evolutionary aspects of the formation of the “new” quality of budgetary institutions and presents conceptual provisions for managing their effectiveness. An analysis of the content of the formation of the “new” quality of budgetary institutions is carried out regarding the need for a structural approach to transforming the “old” quality of budgetary institutions into a “new” one. In the context of global challenges and austerity of resources, their “new” quality is defined as the emergence of a new institutional and organizational format for public finance. Three models of the construction of the institution of budget relations and the effectiveness of their work are considered. The threats that can arise during the formation of the “new” quality of budget institutions are shown. It is stressed that it is influenced by changes in the institutional, scientific, technical and socio-economic structures and depends on the rules and norms of the budgetary sphere, standards of behavior and stereotypes of managers' thinking, their intuition and values they work on. The conceptual provisions of the evolutionary and revolutionary transformation of the “old” quality of budget institutions into the “new” one are revealed. Necessary measures are identified and justified to ensure the openness of financial and economic activities, the connection of financial information with specific end results of the work of government bodies, the creation of an overall environment for all participants in the budgetary process, organized according to common rules and principles. Approaches to the formation of the overall architecture of the Electronic Budget system and the expected benefits of its implementation are presented. It is proved that during the evolution of budgetary institutions, under conditions of institutional uncertainty, they can make collective decisions regarding new rules of interaction and the creation of their own institutions.

Keywords:budgetary institution, quality institution, institutional maintenance, coordination institute, “new” quality.

JEL: H61.

Mатузка Y. . Institutional-evolutionary content for the formation of the “new” quality of budgetary institutions / Y. Mатузка, V. . HORBATIUK // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 5. - C. 110-124.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 110 - 124) DownloadDownloads :231
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