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№ 6/2017

№ 6/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (6): 56–73


SUSHKO Nataliia 1

1expert in PFM and Accounting Project "EU for Stronger Public Finance Systems of Local Governments"
OrcID ID :

Formation of state treasury service of ukraine as a component of modernization of government finance management

The article presents a retrospective analysis of the legislation and for the first time describes the process of formation and development of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine (Treasury) in the context of modernizing the public financial management system (PFMS). It is proved that since the creation of the Treasury (90th years of the 20th century), its powers have been constantly expanding. According to the legal status in the system of public authorities, four stages of the development of the Treasury are identified. Particular attention is paid to the mission, goals and objectives of the Treasury. So, the mission of the Treasury is the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of treasury services of budgetary funds and accounting for the implementation of state and local budgets, and the purpose of the activity is the creation of information support for the Ukrainian PFMS for making managerial decisions. A graphic representation of the Treasury objectives tree is proposed. It is substantiated that the implementation of tasks at the relevant stages of the development of the Treasury corresponds to the needs of public financial management in practical terms. The priorities of the Treasury in 2012-2016 indicate that the Treasury is a direct participant in the current reforms that take place in PFMS, according to the documents of strategic development. The study discloses the role and the status of the Treasury in the public sector (the subject of treasury services of state and local budgets). The author also identifies the main tasks to fulfil in the context of modernization of PFMS, namely: the improvement of liquidity management of the single treasury account, accounting and reporting on the implementation of state and local budgets, control over compliance with budgetary authority and information support of the government.

Keywords:budget, Treasury, treasury services, single treasury account, public finance management.

JEL: Н11, Н61.

SUSHKO N. . Formation of state treasury service of ukraine as a component of modernization of government finance management / N. . SUSHKO // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 6. - C. 56-73.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 56 - 73) DownloadDownloads :946
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