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№ 6/2017

№ 6/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (6): 74–86



1Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
OrcID ID :
2National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

System of the insurer’s financial reliability indicators

Despite considerable scientific reserve, the issue of evaluating the financial reliability of the insurer remains unresolved. In order to detail, specify and further systematize the indicators for this assessment, modern publications highlighting the main approaches to determining the essence of the categories of "financial reliability of the insurer" and "financial stability of the insurer" are analyzed. The theoretical and methodological approaches to the separation of the above mentioned categories are explored. The key differences between them are identified. It is proved that the category of "financial reliability of the insurer" is substantially narrower than the category of "insurer’s financial stability" and can be considered as its part. Moreover, these categories should be evaluated by a different set of parameters. Theoretical and methodological approaches to generalize the criteria for assessing the financial reliability of the insurer are deepened. It is noted that scientists have different opinions on quantitative and qualitative indicators which financial reliability and financial stability of the insurer are assessed by. The need for detailing and generalizing these indicators are reasoned. The list of the insurer's financial reliability assessment indicators is proposed. This includes the ability to meet liabilities (including insurance and reinsurance contracts), the adequacy of the insurer’s own funds to meet insurance liabilities, the payment level; the policyholder’s indebtedness level and the insurer's debt level by insurance payments, the level of independence from reinsurance. The nature description and the indices calculation of the insurer's financial reliability assessment are provided. The suggested general list of indicators can be used to improve methodological approaches to the formation of the integral index of financial reliability and methods of its evaluation.

Keywords: insurance company, the insurer's financial reliability, the insurer's financial stability, the financial reliability indicators.

JEL: G20, G22, G29.

Abernikhina I. . System of the insurer’s financial reliability indicators / I. Abernikhina, I. . Sokyrynska // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 6. - C. 74-86.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 74 - 86) DownloadDownloads :202
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