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№ 11/2017

№ 11/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (11): 89–109


CHEKINA Viktoriia Denysivna1

1Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine

Smart industry and taxes: common ground

Amid a large number of articles on new technologies, principles and approaches to production, automation and robotization, cyber-physical systems, recently perceived as futuristic essays, questions are increasingly raised about how such transformations affect the level of employment, the operating costs of enterprises, the level of tax revenues and the traditional tax system. Economic transformations that occur due to the rapid development of the latest technologies of the smart industry are investigated for improving the tax policy of Ukraine. The consequences of these changes for the tax sphere are revealed and possible directions for the modernization of the tax system in the near future are outlined. It is established that industry smartization and economy digitalization can influence the increasing volume of purchase and sale of digital services and digitized goods, the growth of transnational transactions associated with technological mergers and acquisitions, the increase in “tax base erosion”, higher unemployment and income inequality reducing the number of low-skilled jobs and increasing demand for STEM specialists. It is determined that traditional tax instruments and alternative proposals can be used to compensate for the loss of tax amounts, to support business in smarting industrial production and finance a “new” education. It is justified that during the establishment of the smart industry in Ukraine, it is advisable to prepare the tax system for full digitalization (both technological and personnel), to conduct constant monitoring of industry smartization and economy digitalization, their consequences for the stability of tax regime, to inform about the benefits and risks of digitalization that business and society will have in the near future, and about the ways, methods and tools that will help timely adapt to changes.

Keywords:tax system, smart industry, digitalization, tax revenues, robotization, block administration, tax administration

JEL: H21, E42, O39

CHEKINA V. D. Smart industry and taxes: common ground / V. D. CHEKINA // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 11. - C. 89-109.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 89 - 109) DownloadDownloads :251
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