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№ 11/2017

№ 11/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (11): 21–46



1Cherkasy State Techological University

Ukraine’s neo-industrialization investment provision

The article discloses the main factors of Ukraine’s neo-industrial development, which include reduced industrial production, considerable depreciation of fixed assets, and noncompliance of the industry structure with the demands of the fourth technological revolution. The dynamics of capital investments in the domestic economy, including the industry, is analyzed by sources of financing. The main reasons for the reduction of industrial investments which are financed from the state budget funds are defined. The paper attracts attention to prospective forms of industry-related investment on the basis of strengthening the potential of centralized and local sources of financing in the context of financial decentralization. Issues of attracting investments from own funds from the profits, depreciation and tax credit of various types of activity of industrial enterprises are indicated. The importance of restoration and increase of bank lending (in particular, long-term in national currency) is emphasized. This will help to improve investment activity of industrial enterprises, especially high-tech ones. The role of transnational companies in increasing foreign direct investment in the innovative sector of Ukraine\\\'s industry is highlighted. The need for an active state policy on investment provision of the country\\\'s neo-industrialization is grounded. This includes forecasting the prospective structure of investments into Ukraine’s industry according to the sources of financing; determination of prior industrial activity for investing; establishing special venture funds in industry 4.0; defining the share of the accumulation fund in the GDP and in the profit of state enterprises; development of public-private partnership in the sphere of industrial investments; strict control over the funds spending on industrial investments from the state and local budgets; using capital investment for purchasing new fixed assets rather than for repairs; increasing the role of the banking sector and international structures in financing industrial investment.

Keywords:neo-industrial development, fixed assets, capital investments, source of financing, funds

JEL: G31, O25

Zakharchenko V. . Ukraine’s neo-industrialization investment provision / V. Zakharchenko // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 11. - C. 21-46.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 21 - 46) DownloadDownloads :133
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