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№ 8/2018

№ 8/2018

Fìnansi Ukr. 2018 (8): 63–74



Social investment as a form of implementation of corporate responsibility

The article determines the relevance of corporate social responsibility and emphasizes the need for its resource support, which is done in the form of socially responsible investments. The choice of the latter as a research object is caused by the need for a thorough denial of the opinion, inherent to Ukrainian entrepreneurship, that business has an exclusively economic role in the development of the country, and solution of social issues should be within the limits of responsibility of state authorities. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to study the nature and features of the resource provision of social responsibility of business from the standpoint of the interests of the latter. Since each economic entity is an important social institution, it cannot exist and act separately from society. This gives grounds for considering corporate social responsibility not only from the view of its influence on social development but also in terms of its consequences for the business itself. The study of the essence, types, characteristics and basic forms of the implementation of socially responsible investments made it possible to establish that the return on invested in social projects capital is the formation and growth of intangible assets. The fact that the latter is a major factor in entrepreneurial success has allowed the key provisions of the theory of intellectual capital to be based on the hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between social activity and financial performance of business structures, the fairness of which is confirmed by numerous results of the world empirical research presented in the article. The above made it possible to substantiate the conclusion that socially responsible investment is strategically important for a business entity as a business, which determines the prospects of its future.

Keywords:social investment, socially responsible investment, social investments, socially responsible investments, corporate responsibility, intellectual capital, return on corporate investments in social sphere objects

JEL: G34, G11, O34

PRYTULIAK N. . Social investment as a form of implementation of corporate responsibility / N. . PRYTULIAK // Фінанси України. - 2018. - № 8. - C. 63-74.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 63 - 74) DownloadDownloads :179
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