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№ 11/2018

№ 11/2018

Fìnansi Ukr. 2018 (11): 106–123



1Ternopil National Economic University
OrcID ID :

Public finance and the phenomenon of publicity: semantic construction, historical formation, theoretical concept

The article investigates the problems of the semantic choice of national finance science between the categories “public finance” and “state finance”. Optimization of categorical apparatus is conditioned by changing circumstances of practice since the moment of democratic transformations in Ukraine. A previous system that can be characterized as state finance has become a feature of public finance. In this context, the phenomenon of publicity is investigated through the historical and logical approach. The necessity of considering publicity in a broad sence is proved not only as openness but as a common and collective interaction. The author justifies the need to apply different criteria for assessing the phenomenon of publicity. Such criteria are: informational, legal, administrative and economic. From the economic point of view, publicity is a collective interaction in creating common and public goods. From such positions, the transformation of the public sphere has a long history and cannot be reduced to periods of constitutionalism and parliamentarism. The author introduces the concept of financial formation of society as a certain model of public finance. It is a symbiosis of political, economic and social conditions at a certain historical stage. The following types of formations are defined: monarchical finance, the constitutional finance of the early bourgeois society, the state finance of the socialist type and the public finance model of the Western democracies. The principal differences between theoretical concepts that study the functioning of the public sphere at various stages of financial formation are emphasized. According to the author, the concept of public finance and the concept of state finance are antagonistic as they explain the different conditions for the functioning of the public sphere.

Keywords:public finance, government finance, financial formation of society, public sector, public goods, public choice

JEL: E60, H00, H10, H40, N40

DERLYTSIA A. . Public finance and the phenomenon of publicity: semantic construction, historical formation, theoretical concept / A. . DERLYTSIA // Фінанси України. - 2018. - № 11. - C. 106-123.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 106 - 123) DownloadDownloads :264
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