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№ 1/2019

№ 1/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (1): 111–123



1SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
OrcID ID :

Development of corporate structurs: genesis of scientific approaches

The article deals with the concept of corporation as a form of business organi­zation with the passage of time. The basic notion of corporation appeared in the times of an­cient Roman civilization and still denotes the existence of a number of different entrepre­neurial, professional and other types of associations. In modern economic literature, the corporation is considered to be a general economic system that has a significant potential for internal structuring, the results of which become subordinated systemic formations of various purposes: food, investment, marketing, information, and innovation. The problem of economic nature of corporate ownership was first considered in the scientific works by the classical school representatives of political economy A. Smith, D. Ricardo, J.S. Mill and other scientists. According to the research carried out, the advantages of corporate management are identified, namely: share capital contributes to the establishment of a flexible system of industrial and economic relations; the mechanism of operative mobilization of large-scale investments and regular receiving of in­come in the form of dividends is created, etc. However, along with the benefits of the corporate form of entrepreneurship, a number of disadvantages are identified, in particular greater control by the government, higher taxes per unit of profit: first corporate income tax and then dividends tax of shareholders at their payment are paid and others. It is substantiated that modern conditions of development of the world economy are aimed at creating a global economy that would be able to work as a unified system, which became the basis for the emergence of the transnationalization concept.

Keywords:corporate forms, financial management, formation and development of the theory of corporate structures, capital management, globalization of the financial sector, integration of financial markets, transnational financial conglomerates

JEL: D79, G30, G39

Khodzitskaya V. . Development of corporate structurs: genesis of scientific approaches / V. Khodzitskaya // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 1. - C. 111-123.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 111 - 123) DownloadDownloads :295
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