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№ 2/2019

№ 2/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (2): 111–123



1SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Research ID :
OrcID ID :

Implementation of the international standards of supreme audit institutions in conditions of digital economy and society development

The article analyzes the development of the digital economy, which is considered as a factor that increases productivity, economic growth, creates new jobs, and improve the quality of life. It is determined that the Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 emphasizes the necessity of digitalization of public administration, which by means of application of modern technologies of data collection, analysis, transmission and storage can increase its efficiency and value for the Ukrainian citizens. It is substantiated that a special place in the process of establishing effective public control over the activity of the authorities is the public audit institute, which is capable of ensuring and maintaining the trust of citizens in power. The author analyzes the content of the modern research, which confirms the link between transparency, quality of budget management and public audit systems, as well as the effectiveness of the supreme audit institutions in contributing to the fight against corruption. The author analyzes the paradox which arises with the acceleration of digitalization of public administration: the transparency of the supreme audit institutions reduces the level of citizens’ trust in governments. The hypothesis about the possibility of ensuring public confidence in the authorities is formulated by standardizing the functioning of the system of public audit, taking into account the trends of digital society development. The process of development and approval “INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements” (IFPP) is analyzed. It is substantiated that the implementation of IFPP will increase the public confidence in the results of the Accounting Chamber’s work and ensure proper governance in the long run. Recommendations for the successful implementation of IFPP in Ukraine, given the trends of the digital economy and society, are suggested.

Keywords:public audit, ISSAI, digital economy, digital technology, trust, Accounting Chamber, INTOSAI

JEL: H83, F63, O19

SLOBODIANYK Y. . Implementation of the international standards of supreme audit institutions in conditions of digital economy and society development / Y. . SLOBODIANYK // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 2. - C. 111-123.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 111 - 123) DownloadDownloads :396
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