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№ 3/2019

№ 3/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (3): 73–91


PAVLIUK Klavdiia 1

1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :

Interrelation of research findings and financing of science: foreign experience

The article addresses the important issue of the scale and effectiveness of spending on science, the possibility of rationalizing the funding of research and development, depending on the productivity and quality of research. The question of the relationship of the evaluation of research and financing of science is especially important in the modern conditions of Ukraine. The state and trends of financing science in the OECD countries, in particular the leader of EU research and innovation – the Federal Republic of Germany, are analyzed. The dynamics and structure of the financing of science in Germany are considered. It is indicated that gross domestic spending for domestic research and development tends to increase and practically reached the 3% spending limit of GDP, which is assumed by the Europe 2020 Strategy while driving social wealth and the country's competitiveness are research and development in the business sector. State funding of research and development in the German economy is directed to projects focused on applied research. Institutional support for R&D is also used. The tendencies of financing universities, non-university research institutions, and state research institutes are considered. It is noted that the volumes and instruments of financing the branches of science, research directions, scientific institutions in Germany, as in other European countries, are now associated with the results of the evaluation of science. Such assessments provide information on the distribution of limited resources, with the introduction of new tools and mechanisms for science management. Various procedures for the implementation of assessments are considered, their features are shown. The importance of a combination of external evaluation, self-assessment and monitoring of evaluation results is indicated.

Keywords:science, financing, quality, performance, evaluation, self-assessment, monitoring

JEL: H52, I22, I23

PAVLIUK K. . Interrelation of research findings and financing of science: foreign experience / K. . PAVLIUK // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 3. - C. 73-91.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 73 - 91) DownloadDownloads :181
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