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№ 7/2019

№ 7/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (7): 113–125



1Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
OrcID ID :

Culture of protection of payment services consumers in the transition of ownership of currency values

The article investigates an essential understanding of the definition of “culture of protection of payment services consumers” in the transition of ownership of currency values to emphasize the need for the formation in payment services providers risk management consumers of such services and responsibility culture. The purpose is the definition of “culture of protection of payment services consumers”, providing recommendations on the formation of such a culture and its evaluation, the study of the essence of the transfer of ownership of the currency values. The information base for the research is the publications of Ukrainian scientists, directly or indirectly studying the protection of the rights of payment services consumers. For the research, the official statistics of the National Bank of Ukraine, open analytical and information sources, the results of own developments in the understanding of the protection of payment services consumers in the transition of ownership of currency values are used. To understand the definition of the “culture of protection of payment services consumers”, the triplet model of definition, which contains three components, is suggested. Legislative requirements for the structure of currency values are considered. The essence and classification of payment services for consumers with opening a bank account and without are revealed. Requirements for assessing the culture of payment services consumer protection in the transition of ownership of currency values are formulated. The definition of “culture of protection of payment services consumers” in the transition of ownership of currency values is proposed. The formation of such a culture gives competitive advantages in a dynamic digital environment for intermediaries. The proposed assessment of the culture of protection of payment services consumers provides an opportunity to determine the degree of the established culture of protecting consumers of payment services.

Keywords:payment service, payment instrument, payment service consumer, transfer of ownership of currency values, payment service provider, culture of protection of payment services consumers

JEL: D18, F31, O24

AVANESOVA I. . Culture of protection of payment services consumers in the transition of ownership of currency values / I. . AVANESOVA // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 7. - C. 113-125.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 113 - 125) DownloadDownloads :161
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