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№ 8/2019

№ 8/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (8): 75–88



1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :

Conceptual principles of forming budgets in management accounting of higher education institutions

The article reflects the results of the study of the topical issues of budgeting introduction in the management accounting of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the context of determining the mechanism for budgeting responsibility centers (in terms of revenue and expenditure parts). The directions of budgeting integration as a management technology from the system of management accounting into an integrated system of management of state financial resources are outlined. This analysis resultes in a list of forecast indicators taken into account when developing the structure of planned revenues and expenditure of both the institution as a whole and each of its structural subdivisions separately, which will allow for the implementation of economically feasible calculations of the planned volume of revenues of the general and special funds of HEIs, as well as directions for their use in the context of codes of economic classification of expenditures. The calculation of income and expenditure should be in line with the indicators of the draft estimate of HEIs. It is substantiated that when drafting the estimate and budget, particular attention should be paid to the expediency of planned expenditures, the correctness of their distribution in accordance with the economic classification of expenditures and the level of achievement of specific results, using the assessment of the efficiency of using budgetary funds, which meets the requirements for the introduction of the program-target method in the budget process. The key aspects of the organizational process of forming the budget of institutions of higher education and their subdivisions (responsibility centers) are highlighted.

Keywords:budget, budget funds, budgeting, state financial resources, institutions of higher education, financing, management accounting, responsibility center

JEL: Н83, М41

Korytnyk L. . Conceptual principles of forming budgets in management accounting of higher education institutions / L. Korytnyk // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 8. - C. 75-88.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 75 - 88) DownloadDownloads :211
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