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№ 8/2019

№ 8/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (8): 117–128



1SI “Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine”
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Transformation of the cost structure for innovation activities of industrial enterprises of Ukraine’s large cities

The peculiarity of the modern stage of Ukraine's innovation development in comparison with developed countries is its low performance: 1) in the Global Innovation Index rankings, Ukraine is far behind the advanced countries of the world; 2) there is a low participation of Ukraine in the processes of international patenting of leading technologies of the future; 3) the share of research and development expenditures in the gross domestic product of Ukraine is less than 1%; 4) the general increase of the gross domestic product due to the introduction of new technologies in Ukraine is less than 1%. Taking into account the aforesaid, the study of the transformation of the structure of expenditures on innovative activity of industrial enterprises of large cities of Ukraine as the basis for a transition to a knowledge-based economy becomes essential. To this end, the concentration of innovative active industrial enterprises in the cities-oblast centers of Ukraine; the share of innovative enterprises in the total number of industrial enterprises in large cities of Ukraine; the share of innovative expenses of industrial enterprises of cities-regional centers of Ukraine in the gross regional product of the region; the structure of innovative expenses of industrial enterprises of large cities of Ukraine by sources and directions of financing are analized. It is established that: 1) the main source of financing of innovation activity of industrial enterprises of large cities of Ukraine remains its own financial resources, their presence is characterized by acute shortage; 2) the shortage of own funds of industrial enterprises is caused, first of all, by the stagnation of industrial production and the inaccessibility of external sources of financing; 3) expensive for domestic industrial enterprises is bank lending, which makes it difficult to attract the appropriate resources to finance innovative projects.

Keywords:economy transformation, structure of economy, innovation costs, innovation activity, innovations, industrial enterprises, innovations in industry

JEL: L60, O31, O33, R30

Leshchukh I. . Transformation of the cost structure for innovation activities of industrial enterprises of Ukraine’s large cities / I. Leshchukh // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 8. - C. 117-128.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 117 - 128) DownloadDownloads :156
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