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№ 9/2019

№ 9/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (9): 64–80



1National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
OrcID ID :
2SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :

Analysis of approaches to fiscal risk management in the context of world experience

The article outlines the main approaches to managing fiscal risks in the practice of financial management in Ukraine and developed countries of the world. Issues related to the degree of reflection in national documents, in particular, in the Strategy for the reform of the public finance management system for 2017-2020 and in the Methodology for Fiscal Risk Assessment, the main fiscal risks identified in international instruments and those that reflect the national peculiarities of public finance construction, are disclosed. The necessity of supplementing the current list of fiscal risks, in particular, those related to the activities of local self-government bodies as well as risks connected with using the exhaustive natural resources and overcoming environmental problems, is substantiated. Measures to minimize fiscal risks are outlined and proposals for the use of additional tools known in international practice are substantiated. It is proved that Ukraine has to take into account IMF recommendations for analyzing and disclosing fiscal risks in the direction of long-term analysis of fiscal sustainability. It is proposed to introduce changes to the institutional mechanism of fiscal risk management, which will provide an effective response to the challenges and threats to the imbalance of public finances in Ukraine. Particularly, the state authorities responsible for managing specific fiscal risks must have a strategy and tactics for minimizing them. There must be a coordinated activity between government bodies entrusted with the management of individual fiscal risks. They should identify structural units that will submit to the Ministry of Finance information on relevant risks for the previous year, quarterly, as well as for the planned and the next two budget periods. The Ministry of Finance, based on the results of the analysis of fiscal risks, should make recommendations for adjusting measures to prevent the negative impact of the respective risks on the state budget.

Keywords:fiscal risks, fiscal risk management, fiscal sustainability, macroeconomic risks, specific risks

JEL: F61, G28, H61, O32

IVANYTSKA O. . Analysis of approaches to fiscal risk management in the context of world experience / O. . IVANYTSKA, T. . Koshchuk // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 9. - C. 64-80.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 64 - 80) DownloadDownloads :278
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