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№ 10/2019

№ 10/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (10): 102–123



1Institute of higher education

State financing of higher education institutions of Ukraine as actors of a modern market economy

Ukraine’s recognition of the principles of a free market economy as the basis of relations with the EU determines their implementation in all areas, including higher education. In this regard, the article reveals research results of modern theoretical and methodological basis of state funding of universities as actors of a modern market economy. The author proposes his vision for the creation and implementation of a new model of state financing of Ukrainian HEIs. The main idea of the model is production financing and payment for specific products (goods and services) as results of HEI economic activity according to the Classification of Economic Activities and State Classifier of Products and Services rather than financing their maintenance. The main directions of the New Model creation, in particular, the regulation of terms and their definitions concerning the economic activity of HEIs in accordance with principles of modern market economy (in terms of the legal status of HEI, “higher education service as a result of economic activity”, “research and development service as a result of economic activity”, “state standard of higher education service”, “the quality of higher education service”, “costs of higher education service”, “higher education standardization”, “balanced scorecard of HEI activity”); change of titles of budget programs in order to bring them in line them with the names of sections of State Classifier of Products and Services SC 016: 2010; introduction of an accounting system that would provide an opportunity to calculate the costs of each particular final output (product or service); introduction of a pricing system for goods and services that are produced and provided by HEIs; changes to the existing system of public procurement for the production and provision of higher education services; introduction of the system of public procurement of higher education service; introduction of a balanced scorecard of performance indicators of HEI economic activity as a basis for determining the results of higher education budget programs implementation, the degree of goals achievement of higher education state policy, conducting surveys of the state budget expenditures in this area, etc.

Keywords:financial capitalism, the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008), non-for-profit organizations (NGOs), results of HEI economic activity

JEL: Н52, І22, І23, І28

Vitrenko Y. . State financing of higher education institutions of Ukraine as actors of a modern market economy / Y. Vitrenko // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 10. - C. 102-123.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 102 - 123) DownloadDownloads :185
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