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№ 11/2019

№ 11/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (11): 9–19



1SESE “Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :

Sustainable development reporting: challenges and ways to overcome them

In the present-day environment, against the background of the need for pivotal geopolitical decisions in the world, namely those concerning our country, the threat of new emerging crisis situations is increasing. Therefore, particular relevance for all regions and states of the world, including our country, is found in the ability of national socio-economic systems (SES) to consistently fulfill the strategic objectives of sustainable development in the medium and long run. The article outlines the results of the research presented at the 36th session of UNCTAD ISAR. The need to improve the degree of harmonization and comparability of information on sustainable development at the interstate level is emphasized, and ways to improve the methodological foundations of analytical support for reporting forms on SDG indicators attainment are suggested. The author points out that the UNCTAD ISAR regulations become practical management tools that will help reliably assess the potential of SES inclusive development. Further discussion has been initiated on managing the implementation of key indicators of UNCTAD Guidance at the national level as well as further refinement of a unified approaches to generalizing non-financial reporting based on Voluntary National Review globally. At the country level, government bodies are advised to set minimum reporting requirements for company’s sustainability reporting whose compliance will allow to account Indicator 12.6.1 “Number of enterprises that publish sustainable development reports”, which is an important parameter in assessing the corporate sector's contribution to SDGs. It is also worth approving a list of key indicators that should be disclosed by companies that will facilitate comparability of inclusive sustainable development re­porting between businesses, industries, geographical regions, countries. In accordance with UN Agenda 2030, proposals have been voiced to establish requirements for the validation of sustainability reporting that counteract information asymmetries.

Keywords:Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), corporate sector, indices, reporting, harmonization, comparability of information, management tools

JEL: D82, M15, M48, Q16

Iefymenko T. . Sustainable development reporting: challenges and ways to overcome them / T. . Iefymenko // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 11. - C. 9-19.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 9 - 19) DownloadDownloads :78
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