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№ 11/2019

№ 11/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (11): 20–30


LOVINSKA Ljudmyla 1, BONDAR Tetiana 2

1Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
OrcID ID :
2Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
OrcID ID :

Non-financial reporting as the database for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals attainment

The article addresses the key challenges of further non­financial reporting implementation. The issues of its preparation are identified, in particular the lack of comparability of reports on various aspects of sustainable development between companies, industries, geographical areas, and countries. This issue makes it difficult to aggregate information for monitoring the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The results of the Case Study of the chosen Ukrainian company’s reporting practice on its (company’s) input to the general process of SDGs attainment are presented. Also, the measures for ensuring the comparability of non­financial reporting data are substantiated. The general objective of the research conducted by the SESE “Academy of Financial Management” on the selected company’s non­financial reporting practice is to determine the ways and approaches for alignment and compliance of company’s core indicators with macro­indicators on SDGs attainment in appropriate areas. Also, the aim of the research is to determine the ways to meet the needs of Ukraine in gathering statistical data on its progress towards the SDGs attainment and assessing the private sector contribution in this context. The Case Study is based on the selected company’s reporting for 2017 and provided in accordance with the UNCTAD­ISAR GCI provisions and requirements. It is substantiated that the disclosure of non­financial indicators by domestic companies in accordance with GCI will enhance the quality and usefulness of non­financial reporting, transparency of companies’ activities and provide the database for SDGs monitoring. The final results of the Case Study were presented and highly appreciated by international professional society at 36 Session UNCTAD­ISAR in October, 2019.

Keywords:Sustainable Development Goals, non­financial reporting, sustainability reporting, GCI, core indicators

JEL: M41, M48, M49, Q01

Lovinska L. . Non-financial reporting as the database for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals attainment / L. . Lovinska, T. Bondar // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 11. - C. 20-30.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 20 - 30) DownloadDownloads :82
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