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№ 12/2019

№ 12/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (12): 44–52


TKACHENKO Nataliia 1, TSIKANOVSKA Nataliia 2

1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
OrcID ID :
2SHEE “Banking University”

Mainstreams of formation of academic capitalism in the world educational space

The approaches of scientists to understanding the phenomenon of “academic capitalism” are revealed. Transformation processes of the corporatization of higher education institutions are summarized. The directions of reforming higher education institutions on the way to the establishment of business universities are de?ned. The article emphasizes is the need to modernize learning technologies, diversify funding sources, and build research infrastructure. The author accentes on the importance of creating university-based business incubators, co-working centers, technoparks, technology transfer accelerator centers. It is noted that universities must join strategic alliances, partnerships, participating in joint projects with industrial enterprises, research organizations and other industry participants. The entrepreneurial strategies of educational hypermarkets, business-to-business research universities and elite universities with a world-wide name and rich traditions are characterized. The necessity of state support for the commercialization of education by regulating at the legislative level the procedure for setting up start-ups by higher education institutions and patenting state-financed scienti?c developments is substantiated. The need for obtaining state grants for research, providing ?nancial support for research initiatives of universities on a competitive basis through tenders, an annual increase in the budget ?nancing of innovative scienti?c developments are noted. A set of indicators of scienti?c e?ciency of the universities’ activity is formed.

Keywords:academic capitalism, commercialization of education, entrepreneurial university, academic entrepreneurship, educational hypermarkets, technoparks, scienti?c e?ciency of universities

JEL: O32

TKACHENKO N. . Mainstreams of formation of academic capitalism in the world educational space / N. . TKACHENKO, N. . TSIKANOVSKA // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 12. - C. 44-52.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 44 - 52) DownloadDownloads :33

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