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№ 12/2019

№ 12/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (12): 85–97



1Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
OrcID ID :

Factor analysis of the budget execution by higher education institutions: methodological aspects

The article deals with the main directions of cost analysis in the context of the introduction of management accounting in the higher education institutions, as well as the peculiarities of the educational process that in?uence the deviation of the direct labor costs and the material costs. The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for the factor analysis of the budget expenditures implementation by the responsibility centers of higher education institutions by specifying the main factors in?uencing the deviation of the actual costs from the planned ones. The classi?cation of the deviations types of the actual budget expenditures from the planned ones is improved due to distinguishing the following classi?cation features: by the possible impact on the result (positive, negative); by the possibility of influence of the responsibility centers’ heads (relevant, non-relevant); by the composition (single-element, complex); by the reasons (factor “norms”, factor “prices”). This makes it possible to identify the reasons for the change in the actual costs of the universities compared to the planned budgets, which increases the e?ectiveness of the operational control over costs. The main factors in?uencing the composition and the structure of expenditures of the educational institutions are systemized; the factor model of the variations analysis of the scienti?c and pedagogical workers’ salary costs is developed, and the method of the factor analysis of the costs using elimination techniques is suggested. The proposed method of the deviations analysis, which is based on the extended classi?cation of their types, will help to determine the cost reduction reserves and give possibility to control more effectively the institutions costs, which will directly positively a?ect the process of their optimization and economy.

Keywords:analysis, budget, deviation, costs, higher education institution, accounting, control, factor model

JEL: M41

Parasiy-Vergunenko I. . Factor analysis of the budget execution by higher education institutions: methodological aspects / I. . Parasiy-Vergunenko // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 12. - C. 85-97.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 85 - 97) DownloadDownloads :44
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