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№ 12/2019

№ 12/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (12): 98–107


LEVITSKA Svitlana 1

1National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
OrcID ID :

Social component of integrated report of Ukrainian enterprises

The effectiveness of the implementation of social protection in the economic activity of domestic enterprises, the international practice of covering such indicators in forms of integrated report are investigated. Taking into account the international practice of social protection Corporate social responsibility is formulated as providing economic and legal organizational measures for the use, preservation, development of the enterprise's labor resources. Social protection indicators in the Corporate Governance Report for enterprises that are securities issuers are summarized, such as: environmental efforts – responsibility for the environment, philanthropy – providing a variety of social services for non-profit organizations, ethical work practices – implementing rules of ethical behavior in their businesses, volunteering – attending volunteer events. Taking into account the alternative components of the social package used by foreign companies, the format of integrated Report in the part of information related to corporate social responsibility is proposed. The using of both financial and non-financial indicators to address the issues under study is substantiated. The positive experience of international practice of social reporting takes into account the indicators of corporate social responsibility as a set of four blocks: ensuring health, providing social and household needs, recreation and entertainment, work motivation. The basis of the proposed integrated reporting unit is to achieve economic benefits from the use of such information. The benefits expected from the non-financial indicators of integrated reporting include: the ability of making meaningful assessments for the viability of the enterprise, corporate development strategies in the long term, meeting the needs of investors and other stakeholders in a better understanding of business performance. It is worth noting the approximation of such information to the innovative intangible productive resource of the enterprise as one of features of post-industrial economy. Therefore, we can identify the criteria of economic usefulness for such information format.

Keywords:integrated report, sustainable development, entrepreneurial activity, accounting, social accounting, non-financial indicators of integrated report

JEL: M14, M41

Levitska S. . Social component of integrated report of Ukrainian enterprises / S. Levitska // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 12. - C. 98-107.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 98 - 107) DownloadDownloads :78
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