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№ 1/2020

№ 1/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (1): 26–41



1SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
OrcID ID :

Impacts of the tax policy change in the EU countries and the USA

Studying the experience of the EU countries and USA in assessing the impact of tax reforms is relevant for Ukraine in terms of methodological approaches, interpretation of results, and application in the development and implementation of tax policy. The author systematizes the foreign scientists’ approaches to tax impacts assessing on GDP, employment, income, investments. The scientists’ conclusions are ambiguous. Most of the research shows that tax cuts are the key to increasing GDP, investment, business activity and employment. However, the growth of these indicators due to the reduction of the tax burden is only fixed in the short term. Similarly, the increase in taxes leads to a downward trend in the dynamics of the above-mentioned indicators of social and economic development, but the negative impact is not long-term. The changes in taxation have the greatest impact on the behavior of businesses and consumers during their waiting period. It makes possible to assess the effects of tax innovations during their implementation more accurately. This conclusion is relevant for Ukraine, given the fact that changes in the tax legislation should be made no later than 6 months before the beginning of the fiscal year. The research proves both the reasonableness of lowering only marginal rates to stimulate business activity and increase investment, as well as reducing the tax burden on low-income segments to stimulate consumer demand. This conclusion may be useful in substantiating the decision to: 1) reduce the tax rate on personal income in Ukraine; 2) changes in tax rates for certain types of income, for which a differentiated approach of taxation is used. There are some interesting conclusion concerning the relationship between changes in the rate of the social security contributions and the level of employment. They may be useful for the Government of Ukraine, which has abandoned the single social contribution for employees and has substantially reduced it for employers.

Keywords:taxes, tax policy, tax reform, tax burden

JEL: G28, H20, H24

TYMCHENKO O. . Impacts of the tax policy change in the EU countries and the USA / O. . TYMCHENKO // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 1. - C. 26-41.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 26 - 41) DownloadDownloads :214
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