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№ 1/2020

№ 1/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (1): 42–57


DYBA Mykhailo 1, GERNEGO Iuliia 2

1Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
OrcID ID :
2Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Research ID :
OrcID ID :

Investment prosects of providing software as a service within the sharing economy

The essential characteristics of sharing economy and its structural components are substantiated as the theoretical background within the article. The peculiarities of social needs transformation as a prerequisite for the sharing economy development are substantiated. The global milestones of the sharing economy emergence are identified, which allow following the transition from the traditional linear business model to the innovative business model in the context of sharing economy. The article provides the analysis of the way of rather traditional “face-to-face” exchange and its replacement with the principle of common share and increase in its effectiveness. The peculiarities and effectiveness of doing business on the basis of SaaS model within the global market are analyzed. The examples of different types of Software as a Service (SaaS) companies and their functionality are represented within the article. The essential characteristic and structure of the most attractive for investors SaaS companies in the context of the globalized economy are investigated. The particular benefits, which are represented globally due to the software as a service global widespread, are provided. The conclusions on the criteria of success and investment attractiveness of SaaS-business at the international level are explored. The SaaS business in Ukraine is analyzed, which allowed to pay attention to its specificity and potential for increase in investment attractiveness of SaaS business. The potential of SaaS market formation and development in Ukraine is defined.

Keywords:digitization, investments, exchange processes, SaaS-market, software, sharing economy

JEL: F63, F64, G21, G23, G24, H53

DYBA M. . Investment prosects of providing software as a service within the sharing economy / M. . DYBA, I. Gernego // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 1. - C. 42-57.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 42 - 57) DownloadDownloads :207
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