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№ 1/2020

№ 1/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (1): 99–113


RIAZANOVA Nadiia 1, FEDOSOV Viktor 2

1Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
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2SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
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Energy-information genesis of value

This article begins a series of articles where the energy-information nature of value explored, the properties of value and objective laws of its existence disclosed, and role of finance in the functioning of value investigated. The first article deals with the relevance of the topic, methodology of the study, the essence of the energy-information genesis of value and its features. The following will be about properties and objective laws of the value; the role of finance in the functioning of the value, realization of its energy information nature. The value is a key economic category, and the purposeful use of its properties and objective laws are essential to a successful economy. Unfortunately, economic reality proves that the processes of formation and movement of the value, money capital "do not fit" within the present-day ideas about the value. The authors’ starting point: value must be viewed through the prism of theoretical physics as a science that studies the general properties of matter and the phenomena in it, reveals the general laws that govern these phenomena. This approach asserts that the value as an economic category has an energy-information genesis, which determines its features, properties and objective laws of existence. The abstract form of the value (exchange value) functions in finance, and through the mechanism of money is transformed into the monetary value. It is in the field of finance that the formation, distribution, exchange, accumulation and use of the value in the economy takes place. Because the provisions in this article deviate from current perceptions of the nature of the value, the authors propose this material for discussion.

Keywords:theory of value, value, monetary value, monetary capital, value-chain, finance, information, information exchange

JEL: А10, Е00, G00

RIAZANOVA N. . Energy-information genesis of value / N. . RIAZANOVA, V. . Fedosov // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 1. - C. 99-113.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 99 - 113) DownloadDownloads :236
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