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№ 2/2020

№ 2/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (2): 101–114


RIAZANOVA Nadiia 1, FEDOSOV Viktor 2

1Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
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2SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
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Properties and objective laws of value in the light of its energy-informational nature

This article is a second one in a series of articles on the disclosure of the energy information nature, properties and objective laws of value, as well as the role of finance in its functioning. The purpose of this article is to explore movement as the property of value, its peculiarities, as well as the objective laws of value, which allows us to rethink the features of modern finance and economy as a whole. In the context of the energy-related nature of value, the article also considers in detail the category “monetary capital”, its features in the modern economy. Heterogeneity of monetary capital and mechanisms of its raising (accumulation) are also investigated. The objective laws concerning the mechanism of existence of value, its sources, as well as coordinate systems and reference of value are studied. Three laws of value are considered: the first law is value functions only in the system of value-information interconnection; the second law is that value does not arise from nothing and does not disappear anywhere, it passes from one state to another, combining in the economy all processes, phenomena and things; the third law is value of relative value. It is shown what important implications for the practical economy and its finances may be drawn based on the knowledge of these laws of value. As some of the provisions set out in this article are different from the current views on the nature of value, its properties and laws, the authors propose this material for the discussion.

Keywords:theory of value, value, monetary value, monetary capital, value-chain, finance, information, information exchange

JEL: А10, Е00, G00

RIAZANOVA N. . Properties and objective laws of value in the light of its energy-informational nature / N. . RIAZANOVA, V. . Fedosov // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 2. - C. 101-114.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 101 - 114) DownloadDownloads :163
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