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№ 2/2020

№ 2/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (2): 115–126



1Ternopil National Economic University
OrcID ID :

The future of public finance: an introduction to financial futurology

The article attempts to explore the directions of possible public finance transformation under the influence of the emerging digital economy and digital society. Futurology approaches were used to study the future of the financial system. Financial futurology is defined as the doctrine of prospective and potential features of the financial system on the basis of knowledge about tendencies and vectors of technology, economy, and social development. It is substantiated that financial futurology should jointly consider issues related to both fiscal futurology (the study of public finance perspectives) and futurology of personal, corporate finance and the financial market. The method of financial futurology and its differences from traditional economic forecasting are outlined, due to the necessity of applying the dialectical approach in addition to the methods of formal logic. The influence of digitalization on the economic, social, political and administrative environment of public finances is investigated. The prospective features of tax systems and fiscal innovations in the future are revealed. The possible impact of digitization on the functioning of budgetary institutions and the peculiarities of financing budgetary expenditures in the field of education, health care, law enforcement, social transfers, etc. are clarified. It is concluded that over the next 10-15 years, public finance system, as well as the financial system in developed countries, will be undergoing a major transformation. The need to continue applying financial futurology approaches to assess the potential impact of the emergence of the digital economy and digital society on the functioning of financial institutions is emphasized.

Keywords:financial futurology, fiscal futurology, public finance, public sector, fiscal innovations, digitalization

JEL: H11, H68, G17

DERLYTSIA A. . The future of public finance: an introduction to financial futurology / A. . DERLYTSIA // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 2. - C. 115-126.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 115 - 126) DownloadDownloads :208
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