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№ 3/2020

№ 3/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (3): 7–22


DANYLENKO Anatolij 1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine
OrcID ID :

Financial risks: their essence and estimation by Ukrainian enterprises

The choice of financial risks, their essence and estimation by Ukrainian enterprises as the topic for the article is underpinned by their influence on financial results of individual enterprises as well as their impact on national economy in general. Control over emergence and evaluation of the risks in Ukraine is uneven in financial and non-financial sectors. Under the current situation, risk estimation is well-implemented at banks (in line with requirements and guidance of the National Bank of Ukraine), at enterprises, which became part of Ukrainian industrial and financial groups or trans-national corporations, as well as at certain large corporations. At the same time, risks remain unchecked at most of the medium and at all small enterprises. A lot of publications are devoted to the issue of identification and mitigation of risks at enterprises. However, the issue of the enhanced role of the state in risk management at the real economy level has never been considered. Based on rich database, the article considers specifics of identification and estimation of risks at Ukrainian enterprises. The findings are compared to methodological approaches of some other countries. The next article will suggest a concept for the enhanced role of the state in mitigation of financial risks. In terms of the composition, the article comprises views on the essence of financial risks, the implementation of risk management at individual enterprises, a review of analysis of the subject in scientific literature. The article uses the following sources: findings of Ukrainian and foreign economists, annual reports of large Ukrainian enterprises, legal acts of Ukraine, methodological documents of certain countries of the world.

Keywords:financial risks, nature of risk, risk factors, reporting of enterprises, risk management

JEL: D81, G32

Danylenko A. . Financial risks: their essence and estimation by Ukrainian enterprises / A. . Danylenko // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 3. - C. 7-22.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 7 - 22) DownloadDownloads :183
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