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№ 6/2020

№ 6/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (6): 117–126


BEZTELESNA Lyudmila 1, VASYLIV Volodymyr -2

1National University of Water and Evvironmental Engineeing
OrcID ID :
2National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
OrcID ID :

Education workers’ competences and quality of services as a strategic tool of educational subvention distribution

The article deals with the existing approach to determining the amount of educational subvention and indicators taken into account when this is determined at the state level. The process of forming the volume of educational subvention and the factors that determine its size are analyzed and used by the Ministry of Finance. Its implementation in 2018 has resulted in over 5,000 classes being retained in which actual occupancy was less than estimated. Delivering so many additional classes resulted in inefficient use of about UAH 2.1 billion and increased the cost of one student tuition. Thus, on the average the cost of studying per student in 2017/2018 academic years in Ukraine was 14.9 thousand UAH per year. In 246 local budgets, the average cost ranges from 23.0 thousand UAH to 36.1 thousand UAH. The real conditions for the distribution of educational subvention between secondary educational institutions are illustrated by the case of the town of Drohobych. It is established that the educational subvention is not used rationally, as the withdrawal of the subvention from the best educational institutions and transfer of it to others occurred. It is proved that the current condition does not ensure the efficient use of funds due to the inefficient use of capacity of institutions, and most importantly, it does not motivate the school administration to work better. It is suggested to use strategic tools for the rational distribution of educational subvention at the local level. Local self-government officials are more likely to use soft skills, namely, interpersonal communication (forming needs and expectations for the team and the environment). Education workers should develop hard skills in the sphere of financing educational institutions, communicate with a group of parents and pupils to prioritize the quality of educational services, which are assessed by external independent evaluation, when selecting educational institution.

Keywords:educational subvention, education workers , external independent assessment, distribution of educational subvention, soft and hard skills

JEL: H52

Beztelesna L. . Education workers’ competences and quality of services as a strategic tool of educational subvention distribution / L. Beztelesna, V. -. Vasyliv // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 6. - C. 117-126.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 117 - 126) DownloadDownloads :122
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