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№ 12/2020

№ 12/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (12): 43–58


FLISSAK Kostyantyn 1

1West Ukrainian National University
OrcID ID :

Poland's investment priorities in foreign economic activity

From the point of view of both theory and practice it is important to ensure effective foreign economic cooperation for optimization of investment flows into and from the country, which causes interest in systematizing components in forming the basis for investment expansion in foreign markets. The purpose is to analyze the dynamics of Poland’s investment relations with partners, determine its investment priorities in making direct capital investments abroad, and summarize the experience of supporting Polish investments abroad in the context of adaptation to Ukrainian practice. The financial component of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Poland in the investment segment and dynamics of investment flows to and from the country are considered, also the features, priorities and motives of investment cooperation of Polish business in foreign markets are systematized. The stages of foreign expansion of enterprises, features of their internationalization through long-term capital investments are highlighted. The attention is drawn to the Polish system of providing state support for investing abroad in the interests of the national economy. Direct Polish investment abroad is an important factor that positively affects the development of national enterprises. The dynamics of the investment segment of the Polish economy in foreign economic relations clearly demonstrates the country’s priority in expanding its investment presence in foreign markets, the choice of which should take into account the appropriate types of motivation. Successful foreign investment expansion requires taking measures in the field of economic and institutional policy, state support in creating opportunities for Polish companies investing abroad.

Keywords:Poland, foreign economic activity, direct investment, state assistance, internationalization, foreign expansion, economic diplomacy

JEL: F43, F65, G18

Flissak K. . Poland's investment priorities in foreign economic activity / K. Flissak // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 12. - C. 43-58.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 43 - 58) DownloadDownloads :141
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