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№ 12/2020

№ 12/2020

Fìnansi Ukr. 2020 (12): 106–119


LEONOV Yaroslav 1

1Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
OrcID ID :

World trends and Ukrainian practice of sports industry development under the crisis

The article considers an important area of economic development – the formation of effective management policy in a crisis. The conditions in which this policy is formed for many countries are defined as the regime of the new economy, in which the main resource, the generator of economic development is human capital. The implementation of such a policy is possible with the use of modern management technologies, creating conditions for the disclosure of innovative, entrepreneurial component of all organizations in the sports industry. It is noted that the introduction of modern approaches in the policy of development of the sports industry will ensure the formation of quality human capital. Features and the basic world tendencies of development of the sports industry are analyzed. Funding of health sports is one of the EU’s priorities. Providing public and private funding focuses on three main aspects: changes in other policy areas; EU financial instruments; exchange of best practices between different organizations and EU Member States. Support for the sports industry in Canada involves many stakeholders, including the Government of Canada, the private sector, provincial and territorial governments, multiservices and national sports organizations. In the construction of modern practice in the development of the sports industry, it is proposed to pay more attention to the implementation of sports and health programs that affect the strengthening of human capital. The developed approach reflects the logic of ties between structural elements and the technology of managing the development of the sports industry in a crisis. It is determined that the state creating conditions for the development of a healthy nation, intensifying the reform processes of balanced development of the sports industry forms the consciousness of Ukrainian society to adequately understand the tasks facing each person, as well as its role in implementing Ukraine’s European choice, promoting European unity and European values, and standards without losing their historical, national traditions.

Keywords:sport industry, strategic development, physical culture and sport, physical activity, public policy, financial providing, human capital

JEL: H12, L83, O15

Leonov Y. . World trends and Ukrainian practice of sports industry development under the crisis / Y. Leonov // Фінанси України. - 2020. - № 12. - C. 106-119.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 106 - 119) DownloadDownloads :134
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