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№ 4/2013

№ 4/2013

Fìnansi Ukr. 2013 (4): 45–57


SEREBRIANSKYI Dmytro Mykolaiovych1, VDOVYCHENKO Artem Mykolayovych, ZUBRYTSKYY Arthur

1Researching Institute of Financial Law

Assessing the level and efficiency of GDP redistribution through public sector of Ukraine’s economy

Comparative analysis of GDP redistribution level through the expenditures and revenues of the public sector of Ukraine’s economy and economies of other countries is provided. Particular attention is paid to the correlation between GDP redistribution level through the public sector and economic growth. Relative effectiveness assessment of domestic GDP redistribution through the public sector economy is carried out.

Keywords:redistribution of GDP, incomes of public sector, public sector spending, the relative effectiveness of redistribution.

JEL: Н20, Н23, Н50.

SEREBRIANSKYI D. M. Assessing the level and efficiency of GDP redistribution through public sector of Ukraine’s economy / D. M. SEREBRIANSKYI, A. M. VDOVYCHENKO, A. . ZUBRYTSKYY // Фінанси України. - 2013. - № 4. - C. 45-57.

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