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№ 9/2013

№ 9/2013

Fìnansi Ukr. 2013 (9): 83–93


BABICH Vitaliy Vasylovych, PODDERJOGIN Anatolij 1

1Kyiv National Ecomomic Universiry named after Vadym Hetman

Definition of the financial result for calculation of tax object according to a new edition of the Chapter III of the Tax Code of Ukraine

The procedure of formation of enterprise revenues and expenses information is considered in order to determine the financial result before tax in financial reporting as the main component of income tax object. The authors analyse methods of accounting and assessment of certain types of revenues and expenses, which have alternative solutions and are determined independently by the enterprise in its accounting policy according to accounting standards.

Keywords:financial performance before taxes, income, expenses, the object of taxation, accounting, financial reporting, tax differences, the tax on profits.

JEL: H25, K34, M41, M48.

BABICH V. V. Definition of the financial result for calculation of tax object according to a new edition of the Chapter III of the Tax Code of Ukraine / V. V. BABICH, A. . PODDERJOGIN // Фінанси України. - 2013. - № 9. - C. 83-93.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 83 - 93) DownloadDownloads :701