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№ 1/2018

№ 1/2018

Fìnansi Ukr. 2018 (1): 7–30



1SESE “Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :

Monetary tools of the state economic security

The article studies opportunities for strengthening the protection of national interests from inner and outer threats of monetary-credit and currency destabilization. Theoretical and practical approaches to the formation of the structure of the criteria, which in the conditions of uncertainty cannot always adequately represent the features of the security level of social economic system, were analyzed. It was found, that as the result of much research of separate economic processes and phenomena, the conclusions on the necessity of changes in the regulatory procedures of different measurements of economic activity depend on space and time agreement as well as interaction of conjunctural criteria of global and national character. That is especially topical for the designing of recommendations as to the level of influence of different kinds of situations on the state of economic security, because with confusing interpretation of reality, the scenarios suggested, limitations introduced as well as practical measures may lead to undesirable consequences. The author emphasizes the practicality of the quantitative evaluation of the complex economic security according to the threshold value of the aggregate of indicators in finance and non-finance expression. For identification of threats and their consequences, for timely counteraction, institutional aspects of state management should be changed. In modern economic space, which is based on network connections and communications, monetary regulatory tools should be aimed through the controlled channels of monetary-credit transmission at the fulfillment of the target of inflation as well as other coordinated goals. The selection of monetary tools in qualitative and quantitative aspects, which are connected to the features of operational procedures on money proposal should be harmonized according to provisions of agreements with international financial organizations, supranational standard norms, taking into account those that are important, structural, institutional, territorial and the such factors of influence on the real and other sectors of economy, on the expectations and economic behavior of economic agents and individuals. It was proved that the provision of economic security of the state and the society should be studied in the framework of resilience as both the whole financial system of the state and its separate units.

Keywords:monetary tools, monetary-credit and currency regulation areas, sustainable economic growth, economic security, behavior, expectations of economy agents, national interests

JEL: Е52, Н56, О42, О43

Iefymenko T. . Monetary tools of the state economic security / T. . Iefymenko // Фінанси України. - 2018. - № 1. - C. 7-30.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 7 - 30) DownloadDownloads :1334
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