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№ 3/2018

№ 3/2018

Fìnansi Ukr. 2018 (3): 80–96


PAIENTKO Tetiana 1, FEDOSOV Viktor 2

1Berlin University of Applied Sciences of Economics and Techniques (HTW)
OrcID ID :
2SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
OrcID ID :

Financial management: controlling at the micro level

This article shows controlling as a special type of financial management at the micro level. The research is systematized into functional, formal and methodological approaches and is differentiated. An evolutionary hierarchy of financial controlling at the micro level is developed. The essence of financial controlling at the micro level and the division of its tasks with financial management and control are explained. Controlling finance at the micro level is an integrated financial management system for economic agents that allows management based on the adoption of financial decisions, monitoring of the external environment, and provides an opportunity to create an information model of the managed object. The purpose of financial controlling is the orientation of the managerial process towards the achievement of the goals set by the micro-level subject, the provision of the necessary financial flexibility to achieve goals and further stable development. The subject of financial controlling at the micro level is the organization of operational and strategic financial management based on monitoring and analysis of information and financial flows, preventing emergencies and reacting promptly to their occurrence. The traditional functions of controlling planning, accounting, coordination, analysis, internal consulting and control are complemented by specific functions of information, technology, monitoring and motivation. Each of these functions corresponds to certain tasks and determines the priorities. A functional matrix of the tasks and priorities of financial controlling at the micro level is constructed. The factors hindering the introduction of financial controlling at Ukrainian enterprises are defined. The stages of controlling implementation at the micro level are shown.

Keywords:financial controlling, control, tasks, principles, philosophy of management, functional matrix

JEL: D79, G30, G39

PAIENTKO T. . Financial management: controlling at the micro level / T. . PAIENTKO, V. . Fedosov // Фінанси України. - 2018. - № 3. - C. 80-96.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 80 - 96) DownloadDownloads :657
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