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№ 6/2018

№ 6/2018

Fìnansi Ukr. 2018 (6): 107–126


PAIENTKO Tetiana 1, FEDOSOV Viktor 2

1Berlin University of Applied Sciences of Economics and Techniques (HTW)
OrcID ID :
2SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
OrcID ID :

To implement controlling in financial management at the macro level in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the definition of macro-financial controlling and the peculiarities of its application at the macro level. The essence of macro-financial controlling, its structural elements, objects and subjects is determined. Financial controlling at the macro level is a system for developing decision and support technologies in the field of managing government financial flows focused on cooperation between society and the state, represented by public authorities, as well as optimization of the work of state bodies. The main structural elements of the macro-financial controlling system are: the subsystem of forecasting and planning; financial accounting; financial logistics; subsystem of analysis and monitoring; subsystem of audit, control and consulting; subsystem of risk management. Objects of macro-financial controlling are budget revenues and expenditures, public debt, international donor funds, information flows related to the movement of budget flows and the dynamics of public debt. Subjects of financial controlling are classified by groups: main, servicing, and expert. The essence of the functions and principles of macro-financial controlling is revealed and the matrix of its tasks is formulated. The structure of organizational support of financial controlling at the micro and macro levels is developed. The necessity of using financial controlling at the macro level is substantiated. The need to introduce financial controlling at the macro level is due to the following factors: an increase in the size of the shadow economy; increased distrust towards the state; rising risks of opportunistic participants in financial relations; strengthening of influence by oligarchic groups and their ability to lobby for their own financial interests; reducing the quality of analytical and informational support for macro forecasting and planning; reducing the effectiveness of financial control; etc. A system of managerial recommendations on the use of macro-financial controlling instruments in Ukraine is developed.

Keywords:controlling, macro level, macro-financial controlling, government, functions of macro-financial controlling

JEL: E02, E60, H80

PAIENTKO T. . To implement controlling in financial management at the macro level in Ukraine / T. . PAIENTKO, V. . Fedosov // Фінанси України. - 2018. - № 6. - C. 107-126.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 107 - 126) DownloadDownloads :706
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